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How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliates share unique referral links for products or services. When someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, the affiliate earns a commission, tracked by cookies stored in the user’s browser.

What do I need to start affiliate marketing?

All you need is a platform to promote (like a blog, website, or social media account), an affiliate program to join, and an audience interested in the products or services you’ll promote.

Do I need a website to become an affiliate?

No, a website is not required, though it can be helpful. Many affiliates use social media, YouTube, or email marketing as alternative platforms for promotion.

How do affiliates make money?

Affiliates earn money through commissions, which can be based on sales, leads, clicks, or impressions, depending on the program’s structure.

What is a referral link, and how does it work?

A referral link is a unique URL assigned to an affiliate. It tracks visitors and sales back to the affiliate, enabling the company to reward them for successful referrals.

Are there costs to join an affiliate program?

Most affiliate programs are free to join, though some high-tier programs or networks may charge a fee. Always research program requirements before joining.
